I had the chance to interact with the press up to now, so I appeared in reportages and shows broadcast by local, regional and national TV/radio stations. These are listed below.

News Buzău - USR Buzău's candidates list for the Parliamentary Elections 2024 - 17th October 2024

I was part of this show because I'm on the 4th place on the candidates list for the Chamber of Deputies.

Lumea în obiectiv (The world in focus) - 12nd May 2024

I participated at this podcast episode powered by Mircea Costel Bratosin. We discussed about me and my programme for the local elections.

Cocktail - 23rd April 2024

I was part of this show with two USR Buzău colleagues. We discussed about health and the problems that people with disabilities encounter. The show is powered by Campus TV channel.

Interview about the new law regarding the guide dogs access in the public places

I was interviewed by Mrs. Andrea Nagy. We discussed about the news of this law. The interview was published on April 23, 2024. You can read the Romanian written version here.

How can people with disabilities vote?

Mrs. Andrea Nagy from Cluj Radio asked and I answered. I presented the current situation, that's not good at all. The Romanian law system is very poor on this branch. I also said that the implementation of the online vote would be a good solution and I gave Estonia as an example, where its citizens can only to get married and divorce offline. You can read the written Romanian version of the interview published on 13rd March 2024 here.

Interview about Legidiz project

I was interviewed by Mrs. Andrea Nagy, one of the Cluj Radio journalists. I presented both the project and its brief history. The interview was published on 13rd February, 2024. You can read it (in Romanian) here.

Lumea virtuală prin Iris (the virtual world through Iris)

This reportage was broadcast on November 26th, 2019, in the „Regional obiectiv” (regional objective) TV show, powered by TVR Timișoara, because the Iris Special Theoretical High School from Timișoara organized the national IT competition for the blind and visually impaired students called „Lumea virtuală prin Iris” (the virtual world through Iris), where I was one of the contestants along with other colleagues from the Buzău Special High School for the Visually Impaired, obtaining the second position at the teams section. The contest was organized for the first time in 2013.

Oaza de muzică (the oasis of music)- 20th November 2017

I participated in this show broadcast by Radio România Cultural because I was part of the vocal group of our school called „Heruvimii” (the cherubim), which was part and it's still part of the Cantus Mundi project, powered by Madrigal, the National Chamber Choir.

Campanie de succes (success campaign)

This reportage was broadcast in the news edition of TVSat/TVSudEst, a regional TV channel in Buzău. It presented the fundraising campaighn called „Maratonul luminii” (the light marathon), that was aimed at helping our school to acquire a high performance braille printer. It was made in March 2017.

Bucurie pentru elevii nevăzători (Joy for the blind students)

This reportage was broadcast in the news edition of Campus TV, a local TV channel in Buzău. It was made in September 2014, as the high school I've gratuated received some new braille books.

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